Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Oatmeal and bananas 
can both be considered superfoods.
Samantha Grandy
By Shereen Jegtvig , About.com Guide  Updated May 15, 2011

Definition: Foods that appear to offer additional health benefits beyond simple nutrition. There really isn't one standard definition for superfoods, but they usually are some combination of the following:
  • Low in calories.
  • Contain substantial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids or monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • High in fiber.
  • Contain phytochemicals that have been found to have the potential to prevent disease in laboratory or clinical research.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Low in unhealthy substances such as saturated fats, trans-fats or refined sugars.
For example, salmon can be considered a superfood because it contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and is low in saturated fat and calories. Many fruits and vegetables are considered superfoods because they are high in fiber and phytochemicals and usually low in calories.
Also Known As: super foods

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